Frequently Asked Questions

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With whatever we can. From Product Design, Product Analytics, to Software Development, Mobile Application Development, Web Development, and Staff Augmentation. We can assist you with creating user personas, mock-ups, user stories, time frame, establishing project status, and preparing project estimation. We'll be happy to outline project specification, prepare wireframes, details concerning integrations with external services, API documentation, required features list.

You can contact us via our chat box, e-mail, or phone number. We'll schedule a meeting to discuss further. Just be sure to prepare as much info about your idea as possible, it will smoothen the meeting and benefit further cooperation.

Well, the most important thing to know is what do you want to accomplish. Why do I need this software? What for? What should it do? Having a clear vision in mind is crucial when ordering a software application. You don't want to spend many months developing it with us without being sure what you need. We are happy to consult with you so as to meet your needs.

You certainly do not have to be a software development expert, that's what we're here for :) We welcome your experience in that matter if you happen to have any, but we are prepared to guide you through the whole process and explain everything. Focus on your needs and we'll deliver what you require.

To give you a precise answer we must prepare a project scope and create a budget. We shall tell you how much of that scope can be completed within the budget and we'll be able to estimate how long will it take after at least a month of work.

We evaluate the result after every two weeks, we test our work (we conduct both development and acceptance tests), we present it to you, we apply your feedback so you know you get what you are paying for.

We thoroughly monitor our developers and control how much time they spend on each task down to the exact minute. You can be rest assured that we will take your project very seriously.

Not at all! We want you to be sure you'll receive the product you desire. From the planning stage to each finished version, we invite you to evaluate and improve our work. Our philosophy is to work with the client, not merely finish given tasks. We are always ready to listen and communicate.

Hiring your own software developers can be a really smart choice, however, the recruitment process is time-consuming and the costs of keeping an in-house programming team are very high. You'll probably need to employ your own software engineers sooner or later but hiring us can help you save a lot of money and time.

Hopefully, the app is exactly what you dreamed of :) But apart from delivering a finished product, we are happy to provide you with technical support and app maintenance should you need it. After all, we know our work inside out. Of course, if you want to maintain the app by yourself the source code and all technical data is at your disposal, but even in that case, feel free to contact us if you need any help.

Whether you want to expand your product or create a completely new one simultaneously, and then again focus only on one of your projects, we are always ready to adapt to your requirements. If the work is less intense, team size can be reduced. When improvements need to be implemented fast, we can quickly assign additional team members to speed up each phase of the development process.

Of course. We will iterate the project during its development and include your feedback to improve the product as it is being created.

Of course! We are always happy to improve, upgrade and further develop our work.

We’ll be more than happy to help you with that. Beginning with a UX Audit (if applicable) through improving your system architecture and adding new features.

Yes. All our customers are assigned a liaison that serves as their guide and information source throughout our cooperation.

We send you a report every two weeks (i.e. after each sprint, when the next version of the software is completed) or every month if you prefer. The report includes info on what we plan to achieve in the next sprint. Apart from that you are welcome to contact us any time either in person, via Skype, phone, e-mail or live chat. During work hours we usually answer after no more than few minutes.

It depends on many things: project scope, time spent on the project and technological issues. We know it sounds vague but its simply honest. Remember that each software project is different, especially if you had a particularly original idea. We do not want to give you an unrealistic estimate, instead we want to provide you with the best quality possible within your budget.